Hi, I am Georg , Georg , Georg and Georg .
Pick a persona and see what I've created! 🕹️

Georg mit Laptop

Hi, I am Georg , Georg , Georg and Georg .
Pick a persona and see what I've created! 🕹️

Hi, I am Georg, Georg, Georg and Georg.

Pick a persona and see what I've created! 🕹️

X Projects

Let’s take a look
Georg mit Laptop

Bachelor Thesis • UI Design • Copywriting • Prototyping

Psychotherapieplatzsuche in Deutschland.

Psychotherapieplatzsuche in Deutschland.

Psychotherapieplatzsuche in Deutschland.

Jede*r zweite*r Deutsche wird im Leben an einer psychischen Störung erkranken. Diese Erkrankungen sind real, omnipräsent und meist schwer allein zu bewältigen. Menschen, die es nicht schaffen, brauchen professionelle Unterstützung. Aber zum Glück gibt es sie: Die psychotherapeutische Hilfe.

Leider bedeutet ihre Existenz nicht automatisch, dass sie gut funktioniert, ganz im Gegenteil: Die Therapieplatzsuche in Deutschland entpuppt sich als eine langwierige und nervenaufreibende Odyssee in einem Meer ungeordneter und überfordernder Informationen. Alles andere als ideal für Menschen, die ohnehin schon Schwierigkeiten haben, ihre Köpfe emotional über dem Wasser zu halten.

Georg mit Laptop

UI Design • Prototyping • Copywriting

Kleinanzeigen. Fein anzeigen.

Kleinanzeigen. Fein anzeigen.

Kleinanzeigen. Fein anzeigen.

This project was created under the hand of Frank Rausch in his FH;P Course “Apps & Details”. The task was to redesign an App while strictly following the iOS-Guidelines.

I’ve chosen to tackle Ebay Kleinanzeigen.

Since I’ve done my copywriting in German for this project, as this service only exist in Germany, I kept the following text in its original version. If you are interested in my workflow, hit me up.

Georg mit Laptop

UI Design • Prototyping • Copywriting

Aus Quälerei wird Experience.

Aus Quälerei wird Experience.

Aus Quälerei wird Experience.

Die Robbe kann aufatmen, die Tierquälerei ist vorbei. In diesem Kurs wurde Robben & Wientjes mit einem erfrischenden Redesign, samt neuem Design System und neu konzipiertem User-Flow aus ihrer alten Marotte befreit. Ausgangspunkt waren eine heuristische Evaluation, Konkurrenz-Analyse und viel Liebe für Tier und Mensch. Viel Spaß dabei.

Georg mit Laptop

UI Design • Copywriting • Prototyping

The Artwalk of History.

The Artwalk of History.

The Artwalk of History.

“The ArtWalk of History” is the oldest catwalk in history. It is the first digital fashion show where “models” from the 15th–19th century conquer the stage and try to fascinate with an extraordinary wide range of historical garments, costumes and accessories.

Starting point for this idea was the collection (digitised and curated by the UCLAB) of the Berlin Publishers Frieda and Franz von Lippernheide, who gathered over time around 1600 paintings, sculptures and garments – all in the attention of fashion.

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Visual Design • Concept • Copywriting

Beutel Botanica.

Beutel Botanica.

Beutel Botanica.

My father is a gardener who grows rare, old traditional and extraordinary vegetables, fruits and wild herbs for the top gastronomy of Germany. As a gardener you have to work with a vegetable surplus - as an insurance. But instead of ditching these vegetables my father ferments them and generates another product: fermented vegetables.

To give his market garden a boost, I’ve decided to help him and gave his fermented products a new look.

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Visual Design • Concept • Copywriting

Mein erstes Kochbuch.

Mein erstes Kochbuch.

Mein erstes Kochbuch.

Ein zweites und nicht minder komplexes Projekt in meinem Praktikum bei meinem Vater, war das bis dato größte Projekt meines Lebens:

Mein allererstes Kochbuch.

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem DUMONT-Verlag und meinem Vater entstand im Laufe eines Jahres ein Kochbuch mit 85 Rezepten. Der Fokus lag auf dem Kochen mit fermentiertem Gemüse, weil: Viele wissen, wie man fermentiert, aber die wenigsten wissen, wie man damit kocht.

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Visual Design • Concept

Bauer und Baron.

Bauer und Baron.

Bauer und Baron.

A very good friend of mine wanted to open up her first restaurant – but then Covid happened. Nevertheless her concept was amazing: The restaurant was supposed to work along the “From Farm to Table“-philopshopy and offer fresh regional food for everyone – but cooked royally fine. There to say a restaurant for Barons and Bauern (Farmers/Smallfolk).

I wanted to illustrate this claim in its logo—and found a beautiful way to do so (in my opinion). I’ve managed to combine two symboles of both worlds in one logo: the garden fork of the farmers and the crown of the royals.

It’s these multidimensional art works that inspire and excite me most.

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OBI. DIY is cheaper.

OBI. DIY is cheaper.

OBI. DIY is cheaper.

OBI is Germany’s biggest DIY Store. To emphasise that I wanted to show that it literally pays up to go to OBI. The idea was the recreate famous art by OBIs DIY products.

Instead of buying a plain blue painting by Barnett Newman for $109.9 million you can simply do it yourself with the products of OBI - for only 32.97€.

This was supposed to be shown as a print campaign as well as a promo action.

My part for this project: concept & idea.

Georg mit Laptop


Music Video with Faugeres.

Music Video with Faugeres.

Music Video with Faugeres.

My best friend once visited me in Berlin. We went out to Ritter Butzke—there he fell in love with electronic music. As a passionate musician since his childhood he went back to his place, built a own recording studio, locked himself in there for two years, got back to me, said: „Georg, I’ve made music. You wanna record it?”

Though videography is not my main profession I am very proud to share it. First of all because I find it astonshing what FAUGÈRES was able to learn and create it this period of time and secondly because it was my very time working with a gimbal, recording with it 30 minutes straight — with x different takes.

I hope you enjoy as much as I do.